Wednesday, January 5, 2011

i haven't posted for like an entire month...

and it's already long past new year, happy belated new years anyway :)

so i'm now in sec2, with new teachers and all... just only that my AEP, history and maths teacher remained unchanged... good for math but not that great news for the other 2 >< and the bloody school decided not to grade daily assignments for maths this year... bloody bloody shit >< hopefully i can minimise my careless mistakes this year and not do so badly for them again in this lifetime of mine :) i'm supposed to be like doing my tiny amount of school work and be packing for a long day ahead tmr ><

thursdays are back to the bad-old-days again, with my thursdays exhausting shit.

think i shall end here...

oh, and i wrote my mortal letter to my fellow mortal already :D

and that the sad news is i'm sitting freakingly far behind for class....

i am sooo going to request the teacher to create a new row of seats so that we can all seat comfortably.

AND how come out fellow juniors get way bigger classrooms compared to us bigger sized sec 2s? bigger sized as in taller and fatter in some way or another :D

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