Sunday, January 16, 2011

hello dear all :)

i've been pretty busy these days, since school as already started for 2 weeks now. CNY is in about 2 and a half weeks time and my birthday in 2 weeks time ;) boy, i can't wait to turn 14 :D

i'll be away from home for a month, for the stupid BSE thing that my school organised for all the sec 2s. its simply irritating at the fact that they force you to make your parents fork out like 600 bucks just to get one to be independent. and that's all the PM's doing. im seriously going to have high expectations for the boarding school experience, otherwise i'll be the champion of the liar group.

anyways, im really looking forward to Chinese New Year in some way or another, the only time of the year that i get MONEY!!!! well, that means my saving bank account will finally grow again after like an ENTIRE year... :)

nothing else to say alr.

i shall end here ;)

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