Saturday, January 29, 2011


today's my birthday... but i've still got hell loads of hw to do >< how sad and epic.

well, at least i'm forcing myself to slack a bit before all the HU-HA stuff starts today :)

it has been raining for the past day... THE ENTIRE DAY. urgh. good point: its cooling. bad point: my grandparents would have a bit of trouble trying to lug my cousin along to my house. *sigh* well, everything has a good and bad side to it ;)

OH OH OH! im also getting new spectacles ;) but idk if i really look wierd in it =.= cos the lens this time round is bigger than my current pair. like about 4/3 bigger... not toooooo bad, right? well, at least i get better lenses ^^

CNY is like in less than a week's time... IM FREAKING EXCITED :D and just to let ya all know, i'll be out of town on the 4th of feb. so don't text me or call me unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY :)

thats all for now... till i post again :) [which probably would be before BSE starts ^^]

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