Thursday, November 4, 2010

Year closure (for my schooling days)

last day of school was yesterday... and 101 10' has officially all been promoted to 201 11'....

im gonna miss the good days we had, the fun lessons, and the boring ones as well, some teachers, the nicer ones, the naggy one, the sissy one, the lame one, and the tall one, it has been a wonderful opportunity given by the school to me to be able to have such wonderful teachers, and classmates, who mostly stand by me through thick and thin most of the time.

so now its the holidays, there's the homework part which im not really that enthu about >< and 2 history remedial lessons, oh well, take it as extra practice then! and me slacking at home for most of the days, which is going to be so epicly boring to the core, and im gonna for sure gain weight and not grow taller which is sad shit >< that aside.. :) hope that i can watch at least 10 movies during this holidays, and start the new year ahead... GOOD AND NEW :) no more failing of subjects... and my aim? A1 for LA and A2 for humanities, maintain the rest, so that my MSG can hopefully be lesser than 1.5 :) and not make my teachers next year so disappointed :) so for my overall grades, it wasn't really that great after all.... maybe the only thing that i can rejoice about is the fact that my chinese had made the most improvement within this year itself, from an epic B4 to an A2 :) guess that's the only thing that would drive me to do well or even better than this year for next year... cos next year chinese is still a single weightage subject whereas come sec3, its a 1.5 weightage, which might suck a little :) zls had mentioned (in my report book comments part) that i shld try take up a leadership role next year... maybe i'll try for AEP? see how first ;) and that some of my basics need to be further brushed up on... guess he was referring to humanities... ms yap said the same thing (verbally) too :) and they both complemented me about my chinese making the most improvement, in other words, telling me to work harder next year cos they know that i have not achieved my (sort of) full potential yet :) well, this just goes to show that PSLE grades don't really determine whether you're smarter than who or who, most of the time, its just a gauge of what you can achieve if you want to do it or not :) like i mentioned previously, thought of the day:

why aren't the holidays as fun-filled as the schooling days?

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