Sunday, November 7, 2010


this is officially the 3rd day of my never-ending holidays... it seriously can't be more draggy than this already... my parents and sister are watching some epic chinese show that I AM CERTAINLY NOT really THAT INTERESTED IN.... sorry :)

so YAY I've got one out of the nine books of my holiday reading list for LA... and started on my maths holiday homework :) and got sick of them after less than 5 questions :) TEEHEE... guilty of becoming more lazy ^^

meeting up with yiwei and ying ying on Wednesday to catch a show :) hopefully it won't end up in a silent stare most of the time... cos i really hate those kind of situations >< and its at plaza singapura... anybody interested can sms me ;)

then, erm.... think everyone must admit, that the holidays are getting pretty boring once you run out of things to do :) maybe not for tina, cos her school days last time were already so slack, a whole month of holiday wouldn't make much of a difference to her. our usual school days are already so hectic, now with two months of slacking, think I'll suffer a horrible January before i finally get back in shape for intensive studying :)

tomorrow is Monday, and my sister has to go to school, and i have to tag along... well to buy my schoolbooks for next year as well :) then maybe in Tuesday tag along again to Bishan to do a bit of boring shopping :DDDD hehe :) guilty once again for saying that hanging out with my mum in shopping malls is boring... actually it can be VERY ****** if we weren't shopping for my stuff :) HAHA guilty once again.

i want to go out like at least twice a week, so as to keep my holiday timetable filled... maybe i shall put Monday and Tuesday(s) aside for studying, Wednesdays for outings :) then Thursday for either outing or studying till i go for class at night ;) then the next 3 remaining days for my family ;) (otherwise my parents would complaint... and that's going to be horrible shit.)

I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR TO KICK OFF... and guess its too early to start the count down... and i might be going overseas for the 2nd last week of the holidays, and im occupied on the 27th of December, cos of CCA, i might be going out with ying ying and qing yuan on that day i don't know yet so i have to see how first :) and also if i remember corridely, 11th and 15th of November i got FREAKING remedial for history... GODDAMIT... sorry :) and it only lasts for an epic ONE HOUR IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING SOME MORE.... wth...... nvm... take this as my punishment for not doing well for my history EOY :(((((

guess i'll end here :)


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