Friday, April 15, 2011


Hello :)

ok, some good news: I got through the first round of council nominees selection :) bleah... that means interviews and helping out at a camp... well, i shall be optimistic about it and look forward to this (maybe) experience of a lifetime :D

anyways, i have gotten back a few of my blocktest papers... RESULTS? neh, not that great :( average only i guess. EEEK.

screw. i just found a gigantic bed bug in my pillow. ewww. what have i been doing on my bed that attracts them? GROSS.

teehee, i won merit again at the most recent calligraphy competition, qing yuan did too! :) the competition was held at Ulu Pandan CC. in Ghim Moh. seriously a weird place to have this competition but i must say that for their first time organizing such an event, i must say that it wasn't too bad, maybe they can be a little more generous in the prizes that they give... YEW TEE's rocks the most :D

moving on, I'm supposed to do a hell load of things tomorrow:

1. wash school shoes.
2. complete some SIAs, well at least half
3. Brainstorm about council camp helpout
4. Update council people about my available dates for interview... seriously? i thought it's usually the other way around?
5. clean up my room, okay i know it's in the most horrid mess in weeks to come.
6. Touch up on my paper mache masterpiece (like cos we're gonna paint it with some sort of paint very relatively soon)

what else...

7. oh right. wash laundry


8. print drama script and START thinking of what to wear for 881 MUSICAL (which is like THIS FRIDAY?!) argh.

i'm like getting my neck cut with each second that passes by :( sigh. i shall go retire for the night :( piano lesson's tmr AND I HAVE YET TO PRACTICE AND DO THEORY :(


byebye ><

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